Home > Standard > Abilities Necessary to Do Scientific Inquiry
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Surface Circulation Model - COSEE Coastal Trends

Lesson Plan 

Students construct a clay model to become familiar with the forces which produce circulation patterns in ocean basins and to predict patterns or eddy development with variances in bathymetry.

Concept: Ocean water movement
Ocean circulation is interconnected and is powered by wind, tides, force of Earth

Education Standards

Take Ride on the Gulf Stream - COSEE Coastal Trends

Lesson Plan 

Students use ocean observing system data to track and define various aspects of the Gulf Stream.

Concept: Ocean water movement
Ocean circulation is interconnected and is powered by wind, tides, force of Earth

Education Standards

Local Weather and the Ocean - COSEE Coastal Trends

Lesson Plan 

Students investigate the influence of the ocean on local weather by comparing temperatures in coastal and inland locations.

Concept: Ocean, weather, and climate
The ocean controls weather and climate.

Education Standards

The Water Cycle and Global Warming - BioEd Online

Lesson Plan 

Students trace the effects of global temperature change on oceanic surface levels through model and laboratory investigations.

Concept: Water cycle
The ocean plays a major role in the water cycle, which drives changes in weather and climate.

Education Standards

What is climate? - Exploring Earth, TERC, McDougal Littell

Lesson Plan 

In this interactive website, students follow prompts to explore the various factors that control global and local climate.

Concept: Climate cycles
Changes in ocean circulation patterns affect weather and climate.

Education Standards

Hurricane Tracking - COSEE Coastal Trends

Lesson Plan 

Students select a named hurricane and plot its course using latitude and longitude data provided by National Hurricane Center reports to illustrate the concept that hurricanes originate in and travel across the ocean. Students also conduct research on the formation of their selected hurricane and the amount of damage it caused.

Concept: Ocean, weather, and climate
The ocean controls weather and climate.

Education Standards

Your Own El Nino - NOAA Education

Lesson Plan 

Students use a model that recreates trade winds and upwelling to illustrate the changes in circulation that are associated with the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

Concept: Climate cycles
Changes in ocean circulation patterns affect weather and climate.

Education Standards

History's Thermometers - NOAA Ocean Explorer

Lesson Plan 

Students track climate changes through changes in oxygen isotopes using data from deep-sea corals.

Concept: Global climate change
Ocean processes have major effects on global climate change; global climate change could have major impacts on the ocean.

Education Standards

Top to Bottom - NOAA Ocean Explorer

Lesson Plan 

Students explore the possible impacts on deep sea ecosystems associated with changes in thermohaline circulation resulting from climate change.

Concept: Global climate change
Ocean processes have major effects on global climate change; global climate change could have major impacts on the ocean.

Education Standards

Where have all the glaciers gone? - NOAA Ocean Explorer

Lesson Plan 

Students investigate how changes in climate are affecting sea-ice, vegetation, and glaciers in the arctic, region.  Students explore the “positive” and “negative” results of these changes.

Concept: Global climate change
Ocean processes have major effects on global climate change; global climate change could have major impacts on the ocean.

Education Standards

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