Home > Standard > Science and Technology in Local National and Global Challenges
Exploring Ocean Observing Systems - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students explore web-based data collected by ocean observing systems as an introduction to the parameters these systems measure.
New technologies are expanding our ability to explore the ocean.
Education Standards

Designing Tools for Ocean Exploration - NOAA Ocean Exploration 
Students design instruments that could potentially collect water, sediments, and infauna from the deep ocean, demonstrating the concept that new technologies allow us to learn more about the ocean.
New technologies are expanding our ability to explore the ocean.
Education Standards

Ice Volume Changes and Sea Level Rise - Texas A&M University 
Students are introduced to the concepts associated with global climate change and sea level rise through a series of web animation exercises.
Sea level has changed and continues to change over time. These changes shape the land.
Education Standards

Global Climate Change and Sea Level Rise - California Academy of Sciences 
Students conduct a hands-on activity which demonstrates that it is the ice formations on land that cause a rise in sea level upon melting, not those on water.
Sea level has changed and continues to change over time. These changes shape the land.
Education Standards

Top to Bottom - NOAA Ocean Explorer 
Students explore the possible impacts on deep sea ecosystems associated with changes in thermohaline circulation resulting from climate change.
Ocean processes have major effects on global climate change; global climate change could have major impacts on the ocean.
Education Standards

Where have all the glaciers gone? - NOAA Ocean Explorer 
Students investigate how changes in climate are affecting sea-ice, vegetation, and glaciers in the arctic, region. Students explore the “positive” and “negative” results of these changes.
Ocean processes have major effects on global climate change; global climate change could have major impacts on the ocean.
Education Standards

Estuaries: Give Me Shelter - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students observe the feeding behavior and success rate of blue gill feeding on brine shrimp in two different environments; one with seagrass and one without.
Coastal ocean systems provide important habitats for organisms.
Education Standards

The Benthic Drugstore - NOAA Ocean Explorer 
Students identify and investigate the importance of pharmacologically active chemicals found in specific marine invertebrate species.
The ocean affects human life in many ways. The ocean provides many resources for humans.
Education Standards

Ocean Power - U.S. Department of Energy 
Students investigate methods used to generate energy from physical ocean processes as well as design an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) system.
The ocean affects human life in many ways. The ocean provides many resources for humans.
Education Standards

The Drill on the Spill: Learning About the Gulf Oil Leak in the Lab - New York Times, The Learning Network 
Students explore the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil spill by accessing high quality data-based models and maps on the New York Times website. They also develop a research question about oil spills or clean-up technology and design a lab investigation to answer the question.
Humans affect the ocean and therefore must protect it.
Education Standards