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The Water Cycle and Global Warming - BioEd Online

Lesson Plan 

Students trace the effects of global temperature change on oceanic surface levels through model and laboratory investigations.

Concept: Water cycle
The ocean plays a major role in the water cycle, which drives changes in weather and climate.

National Science Education Standards
(click a standard to show activities that meet it)

K-12 Unifying Concepts and Processes
Evidence, models, and explanation

9-12 A Science as Inquiry
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry

9-12 B Physical Science
Structure and properties of matter

9-12 C Life Science
Interdependence of organisms

9-12 D Earth and Space Science
Geochemical cycles

9-12 F Science in Personal and Social Perspectives
Environmental quality

Ocean Literacy Essential Principles (PDF booklet): 2. The ocean and life in the ocean shape the features of the Earth (concept b)

Life on an Ocean Planet text reference (book link): Chapter 11 Highways in the Sea
Chapter 15 The Dynamic Coast 15:23-25