Home > Standard > Geochemical Cycles
Sediment Bottle - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students mix a variety of sediments with water in a clear container to observe particle separation based on size.
The Nitrogen Cycle - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students put together “puzzle piece” print-outs of the compounds comprising the nitrogen cycle and string the pieces together to reconstruct the pathways of the cycle.
The ocean is an integral part of the geochemical cycles. It is connected to land-based waterways, which transport materials to the ocean.
Education Standards

Carbon Cycle Game - Windows to the Universe 
Students learn how carbon cycles through the Earth system through an online game.
The ocean is an integral part of the geochemical cycles. It is connected to land-based waterways, which transport materials to the ocean.
Education Standards

The Water Cycle and Global Warming - BioEd Online 
Students trace the effects of global temperature change on oceanic surface levels through model and laboratory investigations.
The ocean plays a major role in the water cycle, which drives changes in weather and climate.
Education Standards

Top to Bottom - NOAA Ocean Explorer 
Students explore the possible impacts on deep sea ecosystems associated with changes in thermohaline circulation resulting from climate change.
Ocean processes have major effects on global climate change; global climate change could have major impacts on the ocean.
Education Standards

Plant Pigments in Oceanography - Classroom BATS (Bermuda Atlantic Time Series) 
Students first learn how oceanographers study chlorophyll in the water to determine global plankton distribution, then conduct a hands-on activity to extract chlorophyll from a plant. Students also examine time series data to explore the seasonal and spatial distribution of plankton in the ocean.
Primary productivity is distributed throughout the world according to several factors
Education Standards

Kure Waste Chase - Jean Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventures, PBS 
In this web-based game, students explore various habitats of the ocean, collect harmful marine debris and learn which organisms are affected by the debris.
Humans affect the ocean and therefore must protect it.
Education Standards