Home > Standard > The Cell

Ocean Drifters - NOAA Ocean Explorer

Lesson Plan 

Students first learn about the different groups of plankton and their characteristics. Then the students make a model plankton cell which is neutrally or slightly negatively buoyant.

Concept: Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis by marine plants produces much of the oxygen in the atmosphere and uses much of the carbon dioxide.

Education Standards

Culturing Bacteria - COSEE Coastal Trends

Lesson Plan 

Students collect water samples, plate the samples on suitable agar, and count bacteria colonies present in each sample to compare and contrast the types of bacteria living in a variety of aquatic environments. 

Concept: Ocean microbes
Microbes are an important component of ocean life.

Education Standards

Create a Bacterial Ecosystem - COSEE Coastal Trends

Lesson Plan 

In this activity, students mix mud, water, a carbon source, and a sulfur source together in a clear bottle to create a stratified “column” of bacterial communities. Activity requires time to set up in the classroom as well as periodic observations as the "column" stabilizes (4-6 weeks)

Concept: Ocean microbes
Microbes are an important component of ocean life.

Education Standards

Using Genetic Techniques - COSEE Coastal Trends

Lesson Plan 

Students conduct “virtual labs” to explore how scientists extract DNA from samples, amplify the DNA (PCR/Polymerase Chain Reaction), and study the DNA (gel electrophoresis).

Concept: Ocean microbes
Microbes are an important component of ocean life.

Education Standards

Dead Zone Model - COSEE Coastal Trends

Lesson Plan 

Students add fertilizer to pond, river, or estuarine water and compare results to a control treatment with no added fertilizer to simulate how algal blooms and dead zones occur in coastal bodies of water due to nutrient pollution.

Concept: Humans and the coast
Coastal areas and humans are particularly interconnected.

Education Standards