Home > Standard > Constance Change and Measurement
Dead Zone Model - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students add fertilizer to pond, river, or estuarine water and compare results to a control treatment with no added fertilizer to simulate how algal blooms and dead zones occur in coastal bodies of water due to nutrient pollution.
Concept: Humans and the coast
Coastal areas and humans are particularly interconnected.
Education Standards
Coastal areas and humans are particularly interconnected.
Education Standards

What Affects Dead Zones? - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students explore scenarios in real datasets to investigate how physics and biology interact to produce Dead Zones of various sizes and durations.
Concept: Humans and the coast
Coastal areas and humans are particularly interconnected.
Education Standards
Coastal areas and humans are particularly interconnected.
Education Standards

Pilbara to Mars: Are We Alone? - NASA and Macquarie University 
Using data collected from Pilbara, Australia, students study the age of the fossilized stromalites of the region.
Coral Reefs: Photoquadrats on a Transect - COSEE Coastal Trends and National Park Service 
Students will use pictures of a coral reef transect to graph the percentage of cover for that section of reef.
Concept: Coastal ocean life
Coastal ocean systems provide important habitats for organisms.
Education Standards
Coastal ocean systems provide important habitats for organisms.
Education Standards