Home > Ocean Waters > Ocean Water Movement > Surface Circulation Model
Surface Circulation Model - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students construct a clay model to become familiar with the forces which produce circulation patterns in ocean basins and to predict patterns or eddy development with variances in bathymetry.
Concept: Ocean water movement
Ocean circulation is interconnected and is powered by wind, tides, force of Earth
Ocean circulation is interconnected and is powered by wind, tides, force of Earth
National Science Education Standards
(click a standard to show activities that meet it)
K-12 Unifying Concepts and Processes
Systems, order, and organization
Evidence, models, and explanation
Constance, change, and measurement
9-12 A Science as Inquiry
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
9-12 B Physical Science
Motions and forces
Conservation of energy and the increase in disorder
Interactions of energy and matter
9-12 D Earth and Space Science
Energy in the earth system
Ocean Literacy Essential Principles (PDF booklet): 1. The Earth has one big ocean with many features (concept c) 2. The ocean and life in the ocean shape the features of the Earth (concept c)
Life on an Ocean Planet text reference (book link): Chapter 10 Air-Sea Interaction 10:15-19
Chapter 11 Highways in the Sea
(click a standard to show activities that meet it)
K-12 Unifying Concepts and Processes
Systems, order, and organization
Evidence, models, and explanation
Constance, change, and measurement
9-12 A Science as Inquiry
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
9-12 B Physical Science
Motions and forces
Conservation of energy and the increase in disorder
Interactions of energy and matter
9-12 D Earth and Space Science
Energy in the earth system
Ocean Literacy Essential Principles (PDF booklet): 1. The Earth has one big ocean with many features (concept c) 2. The ocean and life in the ocean shape the features of the Earth (concept c)
Life on an Ocean Planet text reference (book link): Chapter 10 Air-Sea Interaction 10:15-19
Chapter 11 Highways in the Sea