Students will use their previous knowledge from the preceding activities and and experience from the town meeting to write a journal entry in response to a prompt asking how to best restore seagrass. A grading rubric will be used to assess students’ understanding of major concepts from each of the previous sections.
Students will be able to summarize what they have learned in the unit by explaining what seagrass is, why it is important, why its numbers are declining, how it is restored, and possible ways to increase seagrass habitats. They will take facts and opposing viewpoints into account and not base recommendations solely on their opinions.
NS.9-12.6 Personal and community health
NS.9-12.6 Population growth
NS.9-12.6 Natural resources
NS.9-12.6 Environmental quality
NS.9-12.6 Natural and human induced hazards
NS.9-12.6 Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges