National Science Education Standards Standard A: Science as Inquiry
Abilities Necessary to do Scientific Inquiry
Understandings about Scientific Inquiry
Standard F: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives
Environmental Quality
Natural and Human Induced Hazards
Hawaii Content and Performance Standards
Biology 1.1: Describe how a testable hypothesis may need to be revised to guide a scientific investigation
Biology 1.2: Design and safely implement an experiment, including the appropriate use of tools and techniques to organize, analyze, and validate data
Biology 1.3: Defend and support conclusions, explanations, and arguments based on logic, scientific knowledge, and evidence from data
Biology 1.4: Determine the connection(s) among hypotheses, scientific evidence, and conclusions
Biology 1.5: Communicate the components of a scientific investigation, using appropriate techniques
Biology 1.6: Engage in and explain the importance of peer review in science
Biology 4.6: Explain the organization of life on Earth using the modern classification system
Marine Science 5.1: Explain how adaptations help animals survive in a marine environment
Marine Science 5.2: Compare the characteristics of marine organisms (e.g., planktonic, invertebrate, vertebrate)
American Samoa Content Standards
Benchmark 2.1: Uses a variety of tools and techniques to collect scientific information.
Benchmark 2.3: Designs and conducts scientific investigations.
Benchmark 2.4: Knows tools and safety procedures used in the classroom.
Guam Content Standards and Performance Indicators
Biology 1.1: Describe how a testable hypothesis may need to be revised to guide scientific explorations in the biological sciences.
Biology 1.2: Design and safely execute valid experiments in life science, including appropriate use of tools, controls, replication, and setting proper standards.
Biology 1.3: Defend and support conclusions and explanations based on evidence from data and scientific knowledge.
Biology 1.4: Communicate the components and results of life science explorations using appropriate techniques.
Biology 1.5: Be curious, honest, open, and skeptical and value these attributes in others while engaged in life science activities.
Biology 1.6: Demonstrate by actions in the school community caring and respect for the environment and living organisms.
Biology 1.7: Describe the importance of ethics and integrity in scientific investigation.
Biology 1.8: Explain how scientific explanations must meet established criteria to be considered valid.
Biology 1.9: Determine connections between hypothesis, scientific evidence, and conclusions.
Biology 2.12: Explain the organization of life on Earth using the modern classification system.
Biology 5.1: Use computers to produce tables and graphs for physical science information, make spreadsheet calculations, and prepare reports of investigations in biology.
Biology.5.2: Gather information to make informed judgments about technological development and change in areas related to life science and communicate opinions in an appropriate manner.