What seagrass species grow in the bays behind Assateague Island?
The dominant seagrass is eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Sinepuxent and Chincoteague Bays, the two bays behind Assateague Island. Widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) is also found, but with much less distribution.
seagrass meadows
What does seagrass need to survive?
Seagrass is a plant, so, like all plants, it needs sunlight to grow. Therefore, it is found in shallow water where it can receive the maximum amount of sunlight. 

What climate change effects may cause problems for seagrass?
Rising water temperatures may lead to a shift in the species of seagrasses from eelgrass that prefers cool water to widgeon grass that can tolerate those warmer waters.

Poor water quality and rising sea level in the bays also add stress and have the potential to lead to further declines in seagrass density.

Why should we care about seagrass?
Seagrass filters out excess nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus from stormwater that runs off adjacent lands into the bay. So, the presence of seagrass can help improve water quality. It also provides food for ducks and geese, and habitat for blue crabs, juvenile fish, clams, and other species. Large expanses of seagrass can lessen the damaging effects of waves, thereby reducing shoreline erosion.